Guiding a child's becoming

guiding a child's becoming

More about Nicole:

Nicole Gulotta is a writer, author, and tea drinker. She’s the author of Eat This Poem: A Literary Feast of Recipes Inspired by Poetry (Roost, 2017) and Wild Words: Routines, Rituals, and Rhythms for Braving the Writer’s Path (Roost, 2019). Nicole is a columnist for Life & Thyme, and her work has been featured in Remedy Quarterly, The Write Life, Motherly, and more. Her favorite thing (besides strawberries and musicals) is encouraging fellow writers who yearn for more space to create. Nicole holds an MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts and calls Los Angeles home, where she lives with her husband, son, and French bulldog. Connect at

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Nicole Gulotta is a writer based in Los Angeles. She’s the host of a beautiful blog called Eat This Poem, where she makes food inspired by poetry. In 2017 she published a book based on her blog, called Eat This Poem: A Literary Feast of Recipes Inspired by Poetry.

There’s a myth that creative types, writers especially, are solitary creatures with vast amounts of time available to devote to their calling. Most of us need to juggle family and career and life on top of our creative work. Nicole understands this better than most: she writes and promotes her books while raising her young son. And she shares her wisdom about making time for writing by teaching how to ‘write in the margins’ - in other words, how to make the time for creative work in the small spaces we have in our day.

I wanted to hear from Nicole how that works for her - how she lives what she teaches to others, and how she creates space for her art in a way that works for this season in her life.